Registration Snak is shareware which means that you may freely use and evaluate it for 30 days at no charge. If you decide to keep the program you need to pay the $20 registration fee to buy it. After the 30 day evaluation period has ended the program will quit after 30 minutes of use if it is not paid for. Buying it will of course remove this limitation. If you like the program, you are encouraged to buy it, as the show of support and appreciation will allow me to spend even more time working on it. You are welcome to upload this version of Snak where ever you want, but you must keep it as a package - ie. the program, the Register program, the various script files and this manual. If you want to include it on a CD, please ask me for permission first. How to buy Snak The quickest method to buy Snak is to use the secure webserver available from my web page at "" or directly at "". If you want to buy Snak using mail, fax or email you can use the Register program that comes in the Snak package. This program supports payments with Check, Cash, Credit Card and Money Order to the Kagi Shareware payment service. You can even buy by telephone by calling the Kagi Shareware payment service at +1 (510) 658-5244 to place an order. They charge a $5 fee for telephone orders. In all cases you will need to provide a valid email address in order to receive the key, because the registration key is made on the basis of the email address, and because I use email to send it to you. Your email address will be kept completely private, and will not be sold or used for junk mail. I may occasionally send out a notice about new versions of the program. If you would like to avoid this, please use the comment field to say so on either the website or in the register application when you submit payment. How to enter the registration key After you buy it you will receive a registration key via email. This registration key is unique and personal, and you enter it into the program to remove the 30 minute limitation. Use the "Edit/Registration…" menu item to bring up the registration window. Click the "Enter Key" button to bring up this dialog:   The email address and key must be entered exactly as specified in the email you will receive after buying the program. If the program can not match the entered email address and key when you press OK, a message will be displayed briefly and you can try again after correcting. The key is 16 characters long, and it consists of characters between 0 -9 and A-B. All letters are in uppercase. The best way to avoid mistyping is to copy and paste the registration key from the email. It will mean financial damage to me and it will dampen future development efforts if you release the registration key to the public, or allow it to be used by others. If I find the registration key is being illegally distributed, it will be rejected by future versions of Snak and you will have to re-register. Your payment will be refunded.